Thursday, December 18, 2008

Vigilance Pays Off

All those times I read and re-read our contract has paid off.  I contacted Clarendon last week as when the fence went up, they only put it across the frontage.  We already have fences on both sides and at the back.

However, I remembered reading in our contract that we were charged extra for "additional sitesecurity  fencing...over the standard allowance of 27Lm".  Hello?!?!  Our frontage is only 17m.  Someone from Clarendon rang me back on Friday and he said they would look into it.  Today, he said we were indeed entitled to the $400 refund.

I had also mentioned to Clarendon that we were charged a lot more for spoil removal when after speaking to the men taking away the excavated soil, he said they only took away the grass and the rest were used to fill the land (we had to cut and fill due to the slope towards the back).  The man had the nerve to say, "Well, we have to estimate these costs at the beginning.  If we find that we would incur more than what is in your contract for other items, would you like us to charge you the extra cost to us?"  Yeah right!  As if they would underestimate their costs!  Anyway, it was worth the try.  Be this a reminder to carefully study your contract if you're building.

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